

The pic on the right pretty much sums up how we feel. We're here and everything is fine. Our body clocks are still goofed up a bit but things are lining back up. It is so cool to be able to have so much fun when we're away and then it be even more fun when we come back home.

LiLi is doing excellent and of course is having a great time here. She is such a happy little girl when she lets her guard down (warning: it's up when she doesn't know you). We still talk everyday about how wonderful she is. Early this morning, Mike & I were re-discussing how it's as if we lined up all the little girls in world and hand-picked her. Wow !
There are a lot of special people who helped to sweeten our arrival. Mike's folks spent countless hours at our house while we were gone, helping to prepare our home and particularly LiLi's room. Other friends checked on our house, checked and watered our animals, mowed our grass (very big job...thanks Cody), picked up trash that stray animals scattered, bringing us a HUGE breakfast our first morning here; gifts for the kids and the list go's on. A very special thanks to the following people for all they've done (Jerry & Karen Adkins; Mike & Laura Tunnicliff; Mike & Malika Roberts; Jermaine and Polly McDaniel; and Cody & Stephanie Fain).

Thanks to all who continue to be interested and check our updates. It was encouraging and heart warming to get up early in the morning while in China and read each of the blog comments and emails of our friends and family. The pics below are a few that were taken after arriving home. Note the one of Mike and LiLi which was taken at around 4:00am this morning....can you say "jetlag". The one of Melissa, LiLi and Mike's mom is just before LiLi see's her room for the first time (Karen is so excited).


Anonymous said...

Hooray! Welcome back :-)
We can't wait to see you and hear all the little details (that weren't able to fit on this page) of your trip. We especially wanna hear about the angel intervention. You made a post on July 18th stating "We have a really interesting story about how God sends angels in disguise to assist us once in a while." Agh! We can hardly wait to hear about it. Please tell your kids that we promised them a package, but didn't want to send it until we knew you were in town. We thought a delay in your arrival might cause the post office to ship their gift back. Jermaine says, "Dude, LiLi's room is dope. That's t-i-t-e."
Now you are finally home. Have a relaxing weekend!

A said...

WELCOME HOME!!!! I am glad you all finally were able to cross the threshold of your house as a family of four. I hope that your body clocks catch up soon. Glad that LiLi is doing well at home. Blessings.

J Wooddell said...

Hey Adkins,

It was great to hear from you & have a chance to go thru your blog and see the rest of the trip. Sorry you had trouble getting home but glad all is well. We had a smooth trip & flipped Abby to Dallas time so easily! Joe & I got naseous & light headed from just forcing ourselves back to Dallas time on the way back but Abby was content to play (not sleep!) on the plane. We stayed an extra day at my sisters with the boys while my mom cooked & my sister did all our laundry! Then my mom came back with us for 2 more days. She is just smitten with Abby. Abby is friendly, funny, and eager to please. She seems already very connected to Joe & me. I got a little worried on the plane because even in her exhaustion, she would not go to sleep she just wanted to coo & flirt with the other passengers. They of course thought she was cute & they were so sweet, they wanted to help out the people travelling with the little baby & play back. But I thought of the "mommy shopping" the social workers warn us about so I just tried to keep an eye on how much interaction she got from us and others. I think she's doing great, I just prayed for her.

We are planning on moving into our lease house (we're hoping something that will fit us comes available in 6 months or a year in the neighborhood we like) on July 31st & and we having moving help lined up so that's a big relief.

Eston's comments on the blog are so endearing and Lili's pictures give so much personality away!

Talk to you soon, Julie

Kris said...

So glad you are home...the photo of Mike & LiLi is so telling! Praying for a quick adjustment to Texas time!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Glad all went well for you.

She is adorable!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back and congrats on the new addition.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I just spent ten minutes writing to you guys and Hotmail had an error so I lost it. Here's the gist -- LOVED your blog, have been thinking of yall constantly since you left even though we haven't written. Figured you'd be flooded with emails and too busy to reply. Quite a lot going on at the Adkins house! Lili is gorgeous and we can't wait to meet her but know you'll be taking it slow so she won't be overwhelmed. You just let us know when you're ready.

Meanwhile, we'll keep praying for you and are sending BIG HUGS to the four of you from the four of us!

Lara, Sean, Grant & Brooke

Anonymous said...

Hey MT! Glad to hear you guys made it back safe and sound. I had send a note back to you after you send me a link to your site. Anyway, the site is fantastic and I shared this with Renee and Evelyn. Renee had no idea you guys were adopting and I could’ve sworn I told her about it when you first told me. We are all very excited and happy for you! When I checked out the site last week, I saw the pictures of your meeting and LiLi looked so happy and excited to see her new family! I know you, Melissa and Eston are the best thing that has ever happened to her and she is very lucky to have y’all in her life!! God Bless all of you!


Anonymous said...

Boy! Does that picture of Mike & Lili say it all! I'm sure it is gooooooood to be home! I like the welcome sign that your nephews made! I love the picture of Lili with her eyes closed before she saw her bedroom! How exciting for her! To see all that she has now...her family, her house, her bedroom...most importantly, she will have Christ. What a life she has ahead of her!!

I'm glad your home!!

Prayers & Blessings
Deborah L.