
The People of Changsha, China

Below are a few comments from each member of our family about our experience with the Chinese people. These comments are derived mostly from our experiences here during the past few days and conversations with these wonderful people.

Melissa: I love the Chinese people and my experience here has been very enjoyable. I look forward to coming back again some day. I love a lot of the things about their culture. The Chinese women are very beautiful. Their country is so rich in history….it’s very fascinating. The country seems very crowded and busy. The cities flow with people in a sort of a robotic yet chaotic yet familiar routine. The demeanor on the faces of people seem to show discontentment and lack of fullfillment. The hopelessness in their soul is obvious to me yet they seem to have conceded to it. Even though they are controlled by their government, if they knew Christ they would have freedom, contentment and joy that no man could take away.

Eston: I think they’re pretty great…or nice I mean. They sure give me a lot of attention. They’re being really nice to me. I like the way they dress. They get a lot of exercise because they ride bicycles a lot to get around. They are sort of different from Americans in the way they look, their language, and the way they think. They think everyone should be the same, they don’t have freedom……the government is communist.

LiLi: "Gongustimuyyen waaiiannniiii donglarrrr yoshueeeoooow"

Mike: First, I want to say that our experience here has been wonderful. I have really enjoyed interacting with the Chinese people and simply talking with them. Everyday, we meet new people that can speak English a little. It is fascinating and I don’t want it to end yet. As we’ve stated in previous posts, the locals stare relentlessly in wonder and amazement at this American Family….. and their genuine curiosity is blatantly obvious. They also watch from a distance…... they seem to desperately want to know what we’re thinking and if we are really like what they see on TV (of course we’re not). They seem intrigued at how we interact with each other as a family unit, the way we love on each other and particularly how we treat our children (playing and talking with them). Hopefully, God will use this in a supernatural way to reveal himself, I must say it has been difficult not to verbally witness the gospel of Jesus Christ to these people (we have been instructed not to do so). For the most part, they seem to be nice, friendly, courteous and accepting of us. I’m really enjoying our visit here and expect to return again soon. On another note, the fact that women are considered second class citizens here is very obvious. American women living in the states who constantly complain about equality should travel to any other country around the world and study their customs.

Summary of our day today: Breakfast downstairs (very good breakfasts with mostly Chinese food and some American ). Play time in one of the hotel play areas. A visit to a local embroidery shop (the talent of the workers, the detail in the embroidery etc.. is absolutely incredible). We did buy a couple of things for LiLi’s room while there. We had lunch at McDonalds (yes you read correctly and we enjoyed the burgers and mcnuggets). Back to the hotel for family interaction, relaxation, swimming, play time, dinner, and visits with a few of the other families who are adopting. LiLi continues to bloom. As usual, the pics below are shown in the order in which they were taken during the day. Let us know what you think.


D said...

It's so good to see her coming alive in the photos! It's obvious she knows who you all are and that she's a part! Still praying for you all...

Kris said...

What fun the photos show you are having! I'm so glad LiLi is doing so well! Continuing to pray for your family!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is really taking to her daddy seems like! Is that really Mike playing with dolls??? Fun to see those men turn into mush with those little girls! It's great that you all get to spend so much time playing around with her; I'm sure that helps a lot. Eston is probably happy to have a playmate 24/7. I'm glad you are enjoying the people and it's true about American women Mike they have no idea how the other countries live. Our freedom even to worship we take for granted..Anyway, rambling again...I love seeing the post every day.

Anonymous said...

Interesting...Melissa see's the physical beauty in Chinese women, yet, the discontentment among all. Eston loves the attention and once again, his education level astounds us. I don't know of any other 6 year old that can tell the difference between communism and capitalism. And LiLi...what can we say? You summed up your country very well. It was pretty funny to read how Mike felt---such language!! When Jermaine came home, I showed him the post, but Mike had already bleeped it out. Yes, American women are spoiled. I think everybody should visit a country less fortunate and we wouldn't take so much for granted.

Can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow! You are definately keeping us entertained.

Anonymous said...

O.K. I just caught up from missing the last few days (Macie had her eye surgery yesterday and everything went wonderfully well).I can really tell through the pics what a difference a day makes. Lilli looks as if she has known you guys forever. I'm so glad you are having so much fun and enjoying the culture. The people are amazing and seem to be very happy, despite not knowing our wonderful Lord and Savior. I know it's hard not being able to share Jesus with them, but there is a lot of power in praying. Knowing you guys, they are getting plenty of prayers.
Glad your enjoying the food, it really surprised us how good it was. We still miss it and can't find anything comparable here.
Mike- keep up the wrestling with lili, she will eat it up.
God Bless you guys,

Anonymous said...

It's GREAT to see everyone laughing and having a good time! She'll be a daddy's girl in no time!!! It's heart warming to see some of the other families in the background. Hopefully their experience has been as blessed as yours.

Prayers & Blessings,

Deborah L.

Anonymous said...

I just logged on to your blog, and this is truly amazing--the pictures, the stories, and the close connection you all have already made. But, then, you all are an amazing family already. LiLi will be truly blessed to get to grow up with your family--and I know she is already a blessing to you. Another of God's miracle plans at work. I would love to meet LiLi some day--and visit with you guys, too!!
Best wishes to all of you. Have a safe trip home, and I hope to see you soon.
Charlene Tucker (Laura's mom)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

We are loving your daily posts and pictures. You all look like you have been a family of four forever and are just enjoying a great vacation together. It looks as though Lili and Mike have really started bonding.

I have a special request for Eston. Could we please have some photos of you without your hat as I really want to see your cool new hair-do better. Your hair wasn't very long last time I saw you. If you're tired if people touching your head, then I can wait. I wouldn't much care for strangers touching my hair. You are such a sweetie-pie.

Missing you all,

Anonymous said...

Sue and I just finished looking at your photos and we are so very happy for your family. This is truly a blessing and you can see the excitement and magic that is happening with your bonding. Best of luck with the rest of your trip and the continuation of the growth of your family.
David and Susan Diamanti